Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Your Pizza Sucks

Sorry to break it to you, but your pizza is terrible. And yes, I'm specifically talking about "St. Louis Style" Pizza.

There are no redeeming qualities about it, other than the fact that you can eat like 6 largess and not get filled up. Actually, what am I saying, that's not a good thing either. I'm all for eating a large pizza to get stuffed, but I shouldn't have to eat six of them to get stuffed.

So St. Louis Style pizza has no redeeming qualities.

It's too thin, and provel sucks. And I mean sucks.

And I get it, most of you grew up here, and you're proud of and support anything "st. louis style". New York people are the same way. Chicago people are the same way. In fact, all people from all places are the same way. They support their town and the things from it. But let's be clear, your pizza is not good, and quite frankly, not really worth supporting.

Whenever someone says, "I like/love St. Louis Style pizza", I always want them to do a blind taste test of different styles of pizza, just to prove that St. Louis style would be like the 5th favorite out of 5.

So, in conclusion: I'm glad you guys have something unique to St. Louis, and I'm glad you're proud of it. But mostly I'm glad it sucks and you're proud of it, because that's pretty much par for the course here.

St. Louis (pizza), you are a joke.


  1. one exception: the pointersauraus. not a joke.

  2. True, but that's because it isn't St. Louis Style.

  3. Yep, lived here in the Lou 10 years. Moved from KC and everyone talks about the pizza and how great it is..and all of the other Lou food that is so good. They are all full of shit too. The st louis pizza sucks, the mexican food sucks, the BBQ cannot even hold a candle to KC...yet they rave about how great it is. Honestly, Sugar Fire is probably the best thing in St Louis for BBQ, but even it would not be in the top 5 places if it was in KC.
