Thursday, June 25, 2009

My commute

I know you enjoy nothing more than reading about my miserable commute that the terrible planners are to blame for, so I thought I'd give you another quick update.

Claytonia has an underpass that is also open, so I was wrong when I said you had to go down to Skinker or up to Brentwood/I-170 (that's right, I'm man enough to admit I was wrong). Now, part of the street has been turned into a one-way to reduce traffic, which is stupid, but it's pretty easy to avoid that one block by going Big Bend to Wise to Claytonia.

My only real complaint is that when you hit Dale, you have a stop sign and cross-traffic does not, and it takes forever for divers to get across or turn. Especially panty-waste St. Louis drivers.

1 comment:

  1. hanley to eager than turn right onto 170 get off at Delmar. No traffic, moves pretty quick
