Friday, June 12, 2009

Speeding Ticket

Let me get this straight - this sprawling suburb shut down a HIGHWAY AND TWO MAIN ARTERIES (big bend and hanley) all at the same time? Really? Someone thought that was a good idea? Now the only way to get from Webster Groves to U City is to either take Brentwood to 170 (too much traffic and out of the way), or 44 to Skinker/McCausland (too far out of the way), or you can do what I do, which is take Big Bend, then take the side streets over 40. Makes sense, right? Except that the side streets have a speed limit of either 15 or 20, depending which ones you're on.

Apparently the streets of St. Louis are equivalent to alleys in other cities.

When pulled over the cop told me, "I pulled you over for speeding. A lot of people live here so we're cracking down with the increased traffic." People live on the street? No? Oh, they live in houses and walk on sidewalks, not the street. So what's the problem? "Well, people are having a hard time pulling out of their driveways because of the speeding." Um, are people in this small town fucking retarded (and comparing people from St. Louis to the mentally handicapped is an insult to the mentally handicapped)? Really, they can't pull out of their driveway? "Well, it's all the traffic." We both look up and down the street - not one car is in sight. In fact, in the 12 minutes I was pulled over only one car drove by.

Today, Saint Louis Is a Joke because they close down THREE major roads (one a highway), forcing people to get creative how they maneuver around it, then pull people over for going 10 miles over a 15 MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT! Seriously, people on bikes go over 15 MPH.

Saint Louis, you are a joke.

1 comment:

  1. OK, had to comment on this one, too...I think it was a pretty bold move (in a good way) to just close 40 and get the whole damn thing done at once, instead of construction headaches lingering for years. I do agree about some of those speed limits, though. I mean, if a road has double yellow lines painted down the middle, the speed limit should be 30, minimum (that would be you, Elm Avenue).
